Translation Agencies or a Freelance Translator: Which to Choose?

Which is the better choice for your needs?
You need someone to cater to your needs and provide a quality translation of your text. Make sure to research the pros and cons of working with a translation agency on the one, and a freelance translator on the other hand before making your decision.
Translation agency or freelance translator


One of the biggest advantages to hiring a freelance translator is that you are able to
communicate with them directly. There are no intermediaries between you and the translator.

A freelancer is also more affordable, since they have minimal expenses. 

You are likely going to spend a lot of time looking for the right translator, however. This is because you need a translator who is well-versed in both source and target languages and
is familiar with the terminology of your field.


Finding the right translator is much easier with us, as we do it for you. We find a translator who has experience translating the terminology of your field and is fluent in both source and target languages. 

Although translation agencies tend to be more expensive than freelance translators, they deliver high-quality or even certified translations in return. 

Translation agencies employ multiple translators, which means they can provide more translations and offer translations in a variety of languages.

But what if we told you there is a third option, one that combines the advantages of traditional translation agencies and freelance translators?
Taia provides translations with the help of artificial intelligence, which is assisted by expert knowledge of professional translators.

Why Taia?

It is extremely easy to use, as the application is designed to be user-friendly. It can be accessed from any device, anytime, anywhere. 

We offer translations at affordable prices, which are decreased even further with every subsequent order; we do not charge for words we have already translated for you. 

Thanks to the automated procedure, you receive a fast and guaranteed delivery time. Each translation is thoroughly revised by our translation experts. 

Taia is ISO 17100 certified, which is a testament to the high quality of our translations.

Translate with advanced language service providers

Frequently asked questions

There are many differences when it comes to working with freelance translators or freelance agencies. One of them being that translation agencies take off the load off of you, providing the best possible translator for your needs, while when you decide to work with a freelance translator, you have to do research to find the best translator for your projects.

Translation agencies employ multiple translators, which means they can provide more translations and offer translations in a variety of languages. They also take care of finding the right translator for your project.

Translation costs depend on the provider you pick. Providers that work with the latest translation technology are usually able to deliver high-quality translations within a shorter time frame.

See what the Taia app is all about and what makes it so groundbreaking!

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