Website Translation and Localization

A well-made website can be your strongest asset. As Tim Berners-Lee said: “The web doesn’t just connect machines, it connects people.” Before you enter foreign markets, it’s important to know who you would like to speak to, set your target languages accordingly, and decide between website translation and localization.

Website localization
Icon: Star

localization platform

From order to delivery in a few
simple clicks.

Guaranteed quality at Taia Translations

Guaranteed quality and accuracy

AI-assisted expert translators guarantee a fast turnaround.

Icon: Global translation

Improve your brand credibility

Become well-recognized on an
international level.

Icon: Website translation

WordPress website specialists

We provide multilingual support and full service of exporting and rolling text.

What’s the difference between website translation and localization?

Website translation means your original content is more or less directly translated into the target language. A lot of internet plugins can do that automatically, but those translations are often less than perfect, if not completely unreliable.

Website localization means your message is both translated and additionally adjusted to the local language specifics. Since cultural characteristics and the specific likes and dislikes of your target market are considered (e.g., phrases and idioms), this type of adaptation is better understood by the reader, and thus perceived as more authentic.

Both website translation and localization are done best with a professional in charge. Luckily, we have a few.

Localize your website with Taia

a pink diamond on a black background

The Taia team is here to help you create an effective localized performance. We bring together more than 2000 experts who cover over 97 world languages, all of them with first-hand working experience in various industry fields.

Whether you’re looking to address the many markets of Europe, expand into the growing Chinese market, or get ahead in the markets of South America, we can accommodate your localization needs. Working with numerous of clients throughout the years, a lot of them large international companies, we have developed a flexible translation process that guarantees high accuracy and fast turnaround times.

You can trust Taia to provide professional advice and support at every step of the way, ensuring that your online messages will be faithfully delivered across all markets. Even more – our effective localization process can save you money and effort, reducing the price you would be paying a more “old school” translation agency in the long run.

Here’s how the website translation / localization process goes

While it may seem that website translation vs. localization is a challenging and complicated task, don’t worry. We make sure to help you navigate through the entire process, all the way to getting the best result for your money.

localization process
getting a quote for website localization

Step one: Get a quote

Contact us or use the Taia platform to tell us what you need. Based on the original and target language (or languages), the deadlines, and any additional requirements you might have, we’ll send you a price estimation in minutes. We’re happy to consult with you in defining key objectives and setting up a detailed plan of action. Once everything is agreed upon, our team will get right on it.

Step two: Localization, adaptation, and editing

We select a team of expert linguists with knowledge and experience in the industry or field your website covers (e.g., finance, sales, tourism, etc.). Together with the fully qualified native speaker and editor, the translators make sure your messages are conveyed in their entirety, that local language specifics are adhered to, and that there are no possible misunderstandings. Thanks to our AI-powered platform, the localization process is fast and optimized, allowing Taia to be up to four times faster and more agile than a traditional translation agency.

Localizing, adapting and editing the content
finalizing your localization project

Step three: Proofreading and finalization

After your content is prepared in multilingual versions, final proofreading will confirm there are no mistakes. Your content is returned to you in the same format as you submitted it in, on time, and ready to be published.

Of course, both the internet and the markets are changing fast, so your website localization should be considered as an ongoing process. Whatever adaptations, changes, upgrades, or even surprises to your strategy may occur, contact us, and we’ll find the perfect solution together.

Localize or translate online stores and other major web systems

We can easily tackle large volumes of content that needs to be translated or localized quickly and often. Our specialty is working with our API – once integrated, you can continually send us new content, and see final translations directly in your system.

Because we like to reward our loyal clients, we’ll also reward your continuous API use by giving you discounts and dedicated service. 

WordPress website specialists

Taia also specializes in WordPress website translation and localization, where we provide you with a full service of exporting and rolling text for translation.

If you need advice on technical optimization for multilingual support, we’d also be happy to help. If necessary, our team will also provide website optimization in the target language, making the entire localization service complete.

Should I opt for website translation or localization?

The internet has become widely accessible all over the globe, with more than 5.0 billion people using it daily. Having a business website in English is therefore almost considered as standard. But what you should also consider is that English is just one of the world’s languages. 

Among these billions of daily Internet users, around 75 percent of them are not English speakers, and people conduct their Google searches in hundreds of languages – not to mention different alphabets and characters.

Having a localized website that speaks to your potential customer in their own language is one of your most valuable assets. Recent studies have shown that:

90% of Europeans expressed they would always opt for a product that is described in their native language

Only 26% of internet users speak English, while Spanish, French, German, and Chinese have pushed into the top 10 languages online

55% of consumers only conduct their online purchases in their native language

A surprising number of consumers also consider a localized product description as more important than the product’s price.

The logic is simple: If you can understand it, you are more inclined to like it. That’s why having a localized website – multilingual, if possible – is something that can transform visitors into customers.

Improve your global performance with a localized website

The main goal of choosing a professional website localization service is not simply translating your content into another language word for word. It’s making sure that your website reads and feels like it was created in the target language, convincing the user that you understand them. An effective multilingual approach can increase sales and improve your business’ or brand’s credibility.

High-quality translations are therefore an important part of an international business strategy. The majority of Fortune 500 companies know that quite well – more than 70 percent of them reported localizing their online content to further grow existing markets.

Taia is ISO 17100:2015 Certified

We are very proud of our ISO 17100: 2015 Standardized Translation Certification, which we obtained in 2020.

ISO 17100 defines the roles of the translator, their technical resources and the quality of service. It also outlines the best practices for translation companies in order for them to ensure communication between clients and the translator for all completed tasks.

ISO 17100 certificate

Translator Competency

All Taia translators demonstrate the five specific competences outlined by the ISO: translation competence, linguistic and textual competence in source and target languages, competence in research and processing, cultural competences, technical competences, and domain competence.

Translator Qualifications

All Taia translators have a certificate of competence and five years of documented professional experience. Similarly, all translators and revisers have sufficient knowledge in the field of the texts they translate.

Minimum Standards

All translations are subject to revision by a reviser.

Communication between the client and Taia

We put emphasis on effective communication with you to ensure that the translation meets quality standards. This means that we work with you to understand the relevant requirements, including the quality of the target text, and it’s characteristics. We come to an agreement with you on the style of the translation that is required before the translation begins.

Feedback Process

Taia uses a client feedback process to better understand how satisfied you were with the work we have done because our goal is to always keep improving!

Data Protection
ISO 17100 states that data protection requirements must be met. Taia protects your data with integrity. Read our privacy policy here.

Frequently asked questions

Website translation means getting your website content translated from one language to another, while localization is all about adapting your content to your target audience. This includes not only language specifics, but also details that are connected to the target market’s cultural aspects (amongst other things).

Website localization means your message is both translated and additionally adjusted to the local language specifics. Since cultural characteristics and the specific likes and dislikes of your target market are considered (e.g., phrases and idioms), this type of adaptation is better understood by the reader, and thus perceived as more authentic.

When localizing your content, the expert considers changes of currencies, time-zones, signs, national holidays, etc.

Before finding an expert to carry out the localization process, you should first determine which target would be most beneficial for your business. When talking to your localization expert, give detailed instructions on how you want your business to be perceived within the target market. The most important thing is to use the best possible translation management software to ensure a seamless localization process.

Want to see how website translation, or even better,
localization can help your business grow?