Document Translations

Translate your business documents quickly and effortlessly, while keeping the same format.

Document translations with Taia
select from 60+ different file types

72 file types

Translate your business documents from any of our supported file types. We support 70+ types.

taia language selection

More than
96 languages

We work with expert translators from all around the world to translate documents.

Guaranteed quality at Taia Translations


Our translations and proofreading are fully certified. Ensuring your documents are translated perfectly.

Icon: Security

Secure and

Our secure platform ensures your translated documents are safe and protected at all times.

Choose professional document translation services

Leave your business document translation to our team of experts and increase your work productivity. We’ll make sure your content is translated just as you want it, fast, and at a competitive price.

To get a quote, simply upload your Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or any other file type of the document you want translated. The translator who’s best suited for the task will translate your document so it preserves its original tone, style, and format.

Our unique blend of knowledge and technology allows us to translate complex texts and challenging content from specific industry fields.

Types of documents we translate

Taia offers certified translation services for all kinds of documents.

a pink diamond on a black background

Official documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, bank statements, university degrees, divorce certificates, adoption papers, manifests, work permits, contracts, testaments, and other legal paperwork.

Business documents such as handbooks, websites, marketing materials, annual reports, terms and conditions, human resources materials, business e-mails, and other documents that focus on precise and accurate translation.

Academic documents such as diplomas, Ph.D. or master’s theses, articles, dissertations, transcripts, statements, and other field-specific documents.

Industry-related documents such as medical documents, technical documents, manuals, advertising materials, instructions, surveys, scripts, presentations, user guides, and other documents that need to be handled by someone with experience within the specific industry they are translating for. 

Fiction and non-fiction work such as books or eBooks, blogs, social media or advertising materials, and all kinds of content for private or business use. 

Why Taia?

We provide a wide variety of certified translation services, which makes us available to an extensive range of customers – from private clients to small- and medium-sized enterprises to large organisations. 

Even if you are confident in communicating in a foreign language, or have an in-house translation team, having a reliable translation partner is very valuable. That’s why we made a fast response time our priority and can assist you practically 24/7. 

We also provide editing and proofreading, which can come in handy for documents that need to be translated 100% perfectly. Proofreading is essential on lengthy projects that require the work of multiple translators since some errors can occur in the process – especially if working on a complex topic from more than one field. What’s more, a professional editor and proof-reader will also make sure that the tone and flow of your document remain consistent. 

Our native speakers and industry specialists will make sure that wordplays, technical details, or any language-specific phrases will also work in the translated version. Through a combination of our services, you can rest assured of 100% accuracy and conformity with the original document.

From quick translation to complicated content: you select the level

We understand that finding the right balance between the translation quality and the perfect delivery time can be hard. That’s why Taia offers a variety of translation services for you to choose from, depending on the type of text you need to be translated, and the deadline you need to get it done by.

Translation preferences selector in the Taia app
1st level of translation quality

Level 1: Machine translation

Suitable for: Translation of simple texts just for a better understanding. With that said, we do not recommend using machine translation of content that is meant to be seen by a wider public (such as marketing and advertising content) or for content, where perfect translation is a must (for example important documents and user manuals).

How it’s done: Simply enter your text, set the original and target languages, and our A.I.-assisted technology will do the work in seconds.

Level 2: Machine translation with light review (MT + LR)

Suitable for: When you’re in need for a quick translation and the quality doesn’t need to be superb. This service is perfect for content that’s merely for internal use.

How it’s done: After machine translation is done, a translator reads the text through to make sure there are no obvious mistakes, thus making a “light” review before sending the translation back to you.

2nd level of translation machine translation with light review
3rd level basic translation

Level 3: basic translation

Suitable for: Every type of content and document you need translated accurately (product descriptions, user manuals, blogs, etc.)

How it’s done: One of Taia’s professional translators translates your document into the selected target language or languages. When selecting the right translator, we make sure it’s someone familiar with the field, and the process is additionally accelerated with the help of our A.I.

Level 4: Translation with revision

Suitable for: Documents and content intended for publication (websites, marketing materials, etc.)

How it’s done: After Taia’s professional translator translates your document into selected target language or languages, our editor double-checks the translation to make sure it is as similar to the original as possible.

taia service selection translation with revision
taia service selection translation with revision and additional proofreading

Level 5: Translation with revision and additional proofreading

Suitable for: Documents and content intended for publication (literature, theses, articles, marketing materials, etc.)

How it’s done: After your documents are translated and reviewed by an editor, a skilled native speaker proofreads the entire document, making sure there are no mistakes, and adjusts the stylistics if needed.  

Find the right fit for your translation needs

Thanks to the Internet, your business can find global opportunities practically overnight. Did you know that 55% of customers only conduct their online purchases in their mother tongue? That’s why most of the Fortune 500 companies already take great care in localizing their content.

Speaking the right language and knowing your target audience is the key to success. That’s why finding the perfect professional language service partner is imperative.

Taia is your go-to translation service provider

Agile expert team. Professional service. Super-fast turnaround. We’ve got it all. If you’re not sure which language service would best fit your needs, contact us. We’ll make sure to always find the best possible option.

We’ve been trusted to translate and certify documents for some of the most recognizable brands and businesses in Slovenia and beyond. Your content is in safe hands with us, as we are passionate about language, and will happily help you to get your key messages translated or adapted so that they resonate with an international audience.

Taia is ISO 17100:2015 Certified

We are very proud of our ISO 17100: 2015 ISO Standardized Translation Certification, which we obtained in 2020.

ISO 17100 defines the roles of the translator, their technical resources and the quality of service. It also outlines the best practices for translation companies in order for them to ensure communication between clients and the translator for all completed tasks.

ISO 17100 certificate

Translator Competency

All Taia translators demonstrate the five specific competences outlined by the ISO: translation competence, linguistic and textual competence in source and target languages, competence in research and processing, cultural competences, technical competences, and domain competence.

Translator Qualifications

All Taia translators have a certificate of competence and five years of documented professional experience. Similarly, all translators and revisers have sufficient knowledge in the field of the texts they translate.

Minimum Standards

All translations are subject to revision by a reviser.

Communication between the client and Taia

We put emphasis on effective communication with you to ensure that the translation meets quality standards. This means that we work with you to understand the relevant requirements, including the quality of the target text, and it’s characteristics. We come to an agreement with you on the style of the translation that is required before the translation begins.

Feedback Process

Taia uses a client feedback process to better understand how satisfied you were with the work we have done because our goal is to always keep improving!

Data Protection
ISO 17100 states that data protection requirements must be met. Taia protects your data with integrity. Read our privacy policy here.

Frequently asked questions

Prices differ depending on the language combination, type of content and the urgency of the translation. That’s why it’s best to get in touch with your language service provider to get a tailor-made quotation.

The most common type of translation is document translation, which then further divides into multiple different subtypes, depending on the content (official documents, business-related content, academic documents, etc.).

A document can be translated by anyone, who considers themselves an expert in the source and target language of the document. However, it’s best to entrust your translation needs to a translator that has experience in the field of expertise the document is written in.

Need to get your documents translated?

Taia’s got you covered!