Taia Blog

What's new in the translation industry?

Putting important things on the checklist

10 steps to optimize your translation process, #5 will surprise you!

Common Misconceptions About Language Translation

11 Common Misconceptions About Language Translation

3 Rules To Remember When Translating Marketing Materials

3 Rules To Remember When Translating Marketing Materials

Should you translate your product name when entering new markets

Should you translate your product name when entering new markets?

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Product Description Translations on Your eCommerce Website

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Product Description Translations on Your eCommerce Website

learn translation terminology

How To Learn Translation Terminology Without Losing Your Mind

Opportunities and challenges for affiliate marketers entering non-native language markets

Opportunities and challenges for affiliate marketers entering non-native language markets

Searching for the best freelance translator

Outsource Your Content Like a Pro or How to Find the Best Freelance Translator

social media channels

Include social media localization in your strategy and watch the numbers skyrocket!