Taia Blog

What's new in the translation industry?

A woman typing on computer surrounded by microchip circuits showcasing an input of human vs machine translation

Human vs Machine Translation: Where AI Falls Short, the Human Touch Enhances

A search bar searching for 2024 localization trends in front of multitude of people from different cultures

Top 5 Localization Trends in 2024: Embracing the Future of Global Communication

Website translation international SEO optimization

SEO Localization: Boost Your Global Reach with Effective SEO Strategies

An image depicting two unicorns talking - generated by Dalle-2

Chat GPT: Content Creation is Dead, Long Live Content Creation

What’s the Difference Between Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation (GILT) (1)

What’s the Difference Between GILT: Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation?

Incredible Translation Technology – How Far We’ve Come

Incredible Translation Technology: How Far We’ve Come

8 Lessons About Marketing Localization You Can Learn From Our Superheroes

8 Lessons About Marketing Localization You Can Learn From Our Superheroes

9 Things That Make Language Translation Difficult

9 Things That Make Language Translation Difficult

How to Grow Your Business With Localization

How to Grow Your Business With Localization