Security and Data Protection

Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your content

Taia translations file handling and data protection

Ensuring the security of your data is of paramount importance to Taia. Our platform is built using cutting-edge technologies and hosted on secure cloud servers that comply with strict data protection laws. We employ multiple layers of encryption and access controls to ensure that your documents are kept confidential and secure. Taia is fully GDPR-compliant and dedicated to maintaining the highest levels of data integrity. Rest assured, your data is as secure as a vault with us.

Confidentiality is a cornerstone of Taia’s professional services. When dealing with sensitive or confidential translations, we adhere to strict non-disclosure agreements and conduct thorough background checks on our translators. Your documents are only accessible to the linguists directly involved in the translation process and our seasoned project managers who supervise the workflow. After the translation is complete, your confidential files are securely stored or deleted according to your preference. In short, your secret is safe with us.