What is Taia?
Taia is a tool helping professional translators to produce faster translations of a higher quality. TAIA uses its own translation memory, as well as global translation memory databases, which are constantly perfected and updated.
The Taia online application uses a special method to calculate the cost of your translation. It relies on advanced translation memory databases and assigns weight to words and phrases based on the match rate.
As per translation standards, words and phrases which completely match the existing words or phrases are given a 30% weight, while words and phrases which match the translation memory only partially are given a 60% weight.
Match Rate
Weight (payable word percentage)
No translation memory
100% (all words count as payable)
Machine translation
80-90% (depending on the language combination)
Partial match with lower accuracy
Partial match with high accuracy
100% translation memory match
Repeated segment (an identical segment in one document)
However, the work of a translator can never be completely eliminated. Even if the text is (in theory) 100% repeated, the translator reviews and revises it, so Taia always works in the translator’s favor. Therefore, if the translator saves 20% of their time by using advanced tools, the number of words is reduced by half, i.e. 10%.
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