A New Name in the Ownership Structure of the Taia Platform

Taia has a new ownership structure
We can now proudly announce that in July we received an investment of € 200,000 from the Swiss investment firm AlpVent AG, which by doing so became the owner of almost 30% of the Taia platform.

The creators of the Taia platform will invest most of the money in expanding our team beyond Slovenian borders, which has been our wish and goal since the idea was conceived, and we are excited that this has now been made possible.

We have many aspirations and high ambitions, and we are confident that we will succeed with the help of AplVent! The fact that we have been recognized and selected as a promising startup gives us even more motivation and energy to take Taia to the top of the language service providers in Europe and the world!

Taia ownership structure news
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