Funtastic Ficus – New updates to the Taia app

funtastic ficus update

Maybe you’re asking yourself why Funtastic Ficus? What’s the point of naming an update? Well, it’s become kind of a tradition at Taia to label every update with a unique name. And, as you might have noticed, it’s alphabetical. Since this is the 6th big update to our app, it’s only appropriate that we name it something starting with the letter F. Thus, Funtastic Ficus was born.

At this point, we’d like to say a huge thank you and kudos to our one and only Alenka, since a lot of her suggestions helped us to get to where we are today. Her keen eye for detail is one of Taia’s biggest assets when it comes to making our app better.

Our app is constantly evolving as we want to create a platform that will make your life – when it comes to your translation needs – easier. 

Check out what you can expect from the new update! 🙂

Alenka and Matija

Project Draft (analysis) Screen

Project draft page redesigned:

Site header including project name, status, languages and CAT analysis results.
Main controls including setup steps for ordering a project (service selection, additional services and delivery date).
Order summary sidebar that includes the price breakdown and order button.
Delivery time selection and price update.

You are now able to select a specific delivery date instead of only having 3 delivery options to choose from. Faster delivery dates are subject to an additional charge and the delivery time is always before 5.00 PM GMT (18:00 CET) on the selected date.

new updates in the taia app
Project quotes are now only valid for a single day for projects that have additional delivery charges.
Project quotes can now only be generated on the last step of project draft customization, and only if the user has billing details already saved.

User Profile Changes

Option to create and edit billing details added to the user profile page.
Invitations tab removed for translators.

Project Overview Screen

Delivery dates for Catapult projects removed.
Project price no longer displayed for archived projects.
Option to download original project files from the project overview screen added.

Company Management Changes

Company management features such as the add team, add billing details, and invite member buttons unified.
Add/edit company billing details form changed to a new, cleaner design.
Prettier loaders for tabs.

General App Changes

Date format unified across the whole application. The dates now show in the format DAY-MONTH-YEAR and will always be localized to the British locale.
Saved (cached) filter settings will now reset with every app update

Project Creation

Limit of 25,000 words when creating projects with .pdf, .docx, .doc, .pptx, .xlsx, .srt, .po and .txt files

When you try to create a project using these file types and with a word count larger than 25,000, you will see a notification that you should contact [email protected]. The project will not move forward and will remain under Attempted Projects.

Checkout Screen

Invoice email is now marked as required on the review billing step.

Login, Sign up

Google reCAPTCHA v2 replaced with v3. Most users no longer need to click the reCAPTCHA "Not a robot" checkbox, as the check is done automatically in the background first.
Password strength requirements changed for new user registrations. On sign up, passwords now require a minimum of 8 characters and must contain at least 1 number or symbol. The previous password requirements were removed.
New user registration validation added for empty name and email fields.
Text of terms and conditions checkbox changed to "I've read and agree to Taia’s Terms Of Use."
Now go on, check out the updates live on our app and tell us what you think!
Oh, and if you have any more suggestions on how we can improve your experience with the Taia app, don’t be shy – get in touch with us.