Taia Blog

What's new in the translation industry?

translation memory

3 Reasons Why Translation Memory Is Indispensable

Growth hacking tool machine translation

Nr. 1 Essential for Global Growth Hacking: Machine Translation

seo localization

SEO localization: Step up your SEO efforts… you already have the content!

website translation

Translate your website now or be left behind

Translation vs Localization: 7 Companies that Learnt the Difference the Hard Way

Translation vs Localization: 7 Companies that Learnt the Difference the Hard Way

How to successfully work from home

How to work from home and keep your business up and running during quarantine

Which is the better choice for your needs?

Translation Agencies or a Freelance Translator: Which to Choose?

Taia's budget-friendly and quick translations

Translation is costly and time-consuming

multilingual website

Why Have a Website in Multiple Languages