Getting Started

General information about the Taia platform

Taia quality assurance


Taia is an AI-assisted localization platform that offers the speed and affordability of automated translations while maintaining the accuracy and context of professional human proofreading. Our platform allows you to upload various file formats and offers real-time pricing, making it easy to get started.

With Taia you have three options to choose from:

  • Use AI / Machine Translation to translate entire files in seconds—for a quick and dirty translation project.
  • Outsource your project to our team of professional linguists—for a polished and perfected translation project that will keep your brand well represented.
  • Use our set of AI assisted translation tools, called Catapult, to translate by yourself—for when you have an in-house team with enough time on their hands to dabble in translation projects.

Taia supports nearly 100 languages and dialects, including major global languages like English, Chinese, and Spanish, as well as their regional dialects. This extensive support ensures your content resonates with audiences worldwide.

Versatility is one of our strong suits. Our platform is engineered to handle a wide array of content types, including but not limited to:

  • Websites: We can translate your entire website or specific pages to target a wider audience.
  • Marketing and Advertising Copy: Our translators specialize in creating compelling copy that resonates with your target market.
  • Legal Documents: Confidentiality and precision are paramount when translating contracts, terms of service, and other legal texts.
  • Technical Texts: Be it user manuals, product specifications, or scientific papers, our experts ensure that your technical content is translated accurately.
  • E-commerce Content: Product descriptions, reviews, and customer interactions can all be translated to provide a seamless shopping experience for your global customers.
  • Business and Finance: We handle reports, presentations, and financial documents with the utmost professionalism.

Whether you are in the tech, e-commerce, fintech, or gaming industries, Taia has you covered. Our platform continually learns from your projects, making future translations even more consistent and cost-effective.

Taia is primarily engineered to meet the diverse needs of businesses, offering a robust suite of professional translation services, collaboration tools, and streamlined project management capabilities. With features tailored for sectors such as tech, e-commerce, fintech, and gaming, we make it easy for businesses to maintain brand consistency and global reach. 

While Taia is business-centric, individual users who require high-quality, reliable translations can also benefit from our platform, although the features and services are predominantly designed with business users in mind.

The cloud-based nature of Taia’s platform offers several advantages to make your translation process as efficient and streamlined as possible.

  • Accessibility: Access your projects from anywhere at any time, giving you the flexibility to manage translations outside of regular office hours.
  • Real-Time Updates: Keep tabs on the progress of your translation projects in real-time, allowing for better planning and deployment of translated content.
  • Collaboration: Enables your team to collaborate seamlessly on translation projects, even if they are spread out across different geographical locations.
  • Security: Cloud-based platforms are generally better at ensuring data security, and Taia is no exception. Your files and data are encrypted and securely stored.
  • Cost-Efficiency: With everything online, you save on infrastructure costs. This is especially beneficial for SMEs looking for professional translation services on a budget.
  • Automated Workflows: Easily integrate Taia with your existing tools and systems through API, enhancing workflow automation.
  • File Management: Easily upload, download, and manage a wide variety of file types, reducing the complexity of handling different formats.

Taia redefines translation services by ingeniously merging advanced technology with human expertise. While our platform serves as a highly efficient tool for streamlining your translation projects, what truly sets us apart is the collaboration between our in-house team of localization experts and project managers with a vast network of professional linguists. This blend of cutting-edge AI-assisted capabilities and human touch ensures both rapid turnaround and uncompromising quality.

Our transparent pricing model eliminates guesswork, providing clear cost breakdowns that are both fair and competitive. On our user-friendly platform, you can effortlessly track your project’s real-time progress, adapt translations to fit your brand’s unique tone, and even get a detailed cost analysis—all at the click of a button.

So, if you’re looking for a localization solution that pairs agile technology with genuine human expertise, look no further. Taia sets a new industry standard by offering an efficient, transparent, and tailored translation experience like no other.

Quality and Accuracy

Quality assurance is a cornerstone of Taia’s service, and we offer several tiers to meet varying needs for accuracy and refinement. These tiers have been carefully designed to serve different project requirements, ranging from quick translations to critical business documents:

  • AI-Only Option: This is the most budget-friendly option and is ideal for quick, general understanding of text. Our sophisticated AI-powered engine translates your entire document without human intervention. While efficient, please note that this option might not capture idiomatic expressions, colloquialisms, or industry-specific jargon with complete accuracy.
  • Basic Translation: In this tier, a professional human linguist refines the AI’s translation. This level is suitable for non-critical business documents that still require a touch of human expertise for better accuracy. The translator ensures the translated content maintains its original context, tone, and meaning.
  • Translation with Revision: This is a more rigorous tier involving two human translators. The first translator carries out the initial translation, followed by a second translator who performs a bilingual revision. This additional step ensures a high level of quality and is recommended for critical business and legal documents.
  • Translation with Revision and Proofreading: This is our highest quality tier and involves three levels of checks. After the translation and revision processes, a third professional linguist proofreads the text to ensure it reads as if it was originally written by a local in the target language. This tier is highly recommended for critical, public-facing materials where both accuracy and localization are crucial.

Each of these tiers adheres to stringent international quality standards, including ISO 17100:2015, to ensure the highest quality and reliability in our translations. With these options, Taia gives you the flexibility to choose the service level that best suits the needs and budget of your specific project.

Taia holds the ISO 17100:2015 Standardized Translation Certification, which lays out strict criteria for translator qualifications, technical resources, and quality of service, ensuring that we meet global best practices in translation services.

Absolutely, we understand that maintaining your brand’s voice and style across multiple languages and markets is essential. That’s why we don’t just translate—we localize. Our localization process goes beyond the literal translation of text and adapts your content to resonate with your target audience in a culturally relevant manner.

How we do it:

  • Dedicated Project Manager: Business users are assigned a dedicated project manager who understands your brand inside and out. This project manager is not only your contact point but also the coordinator of your translation team, ensuring that your brand’s tone and style are consistently maintained.
  • Specialized Linguists: We employ translators who are experts in your industry. They not only understand the language but also the nuances and idiosyncrasies of your sector.
  • Glossaries and Style Guides: We can create glossaries and style guides that outline the specific terminology, tone, and style that should be used in all your projects. This ensures consistency across all your translations.
  • Review Rounds: Before finalizing any project, you have the opportunity to review the translations. This gives you an added layer of control to ensure the final output is perfectly aligned with your brand.
  • AI-Assisted Context: Our platform leverages machine learning to provide the translator with the contextual information they need to capture the essence of your brand accurately.
  • Quality Tiers: With options ranging from AI-only translations for quick drafts to in-depth, human-reviewed translations, you can select the level of customization you need for each project.

By combining these elements, Taia ensures that each translation is not just linguistically accurate but also a true reflection of your brand’s unique voice and style. So, whether you’re translating marketing collateral, technical documents, or website content, you can be assured that your brand integrity will be maintained throughout.

Consistency in terminology is a crucial factor in translation and localization projects, something that our team at Taia fully recognizes. When you’re extending your reach across multiple languages and markets, a unified voice and consistent terminology are essential but can be quite challenging to maintain. Taia’s state-of-the-art features are specifically designed to tackle this issue.

Creating a Glossary is an optional but highly recommended step when working with Taia. We utilize Natural Language Processing tools to analyze your existing content, align it with your needs, and propose relevant translations for key terms. Adding optional descriptions and details for each term ensures a tailored glossary that significantly enhances translation consistency across all your projects. You can learn more about the value of a glossary in our related article.

Secondly, Taia’s platform employs Translation Memory technology, which stores previously translated text segments. This not only accelerates the translation process but also plays a vital role in maintaining consistent terminology. When the system encounters similar phrases or sentences in new projects, it suggests using the pre-approved translations, thereby ensuring uniformity across your content.

Lastly, we assign a dedicated project manager to each business client who understands your unique needs and specifications. They oversee a team of expert linguists who are briefed on your particular terminology preferences, adding another layer of quality assurance to your projects.

Through these robust strategies, Taia ensures your brand voice stays consistent, not just within an individual project but throughout all your localization efforts. The outcome is a coherent and unified brand message, regardless of the language or geographic area.

At Taia, we understand the importance of capturing regional dialects and variations for a truly localized content experience.

  • Expert Linguists: Our network includes native linguists who specialize in regional dialects, ensuring that your translations are not just linguistically accurate but culturally resonant.
  • Terminology Management: We employ glossary management to capture the specific terms, idioms, and phrases that are pertinent to different regions. This is particularly beneficial in maintaining the brand tone and style while adapting to local dialects.
  • Client Requirements: Your specific needs and requirements guide our approach. With a dedicated project manager in place, we can pinpoint translators with regional expertise to align with your project specifications.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Our translators are trained to adapt content to the specific cultural nuances and idioms of each target region. This ensures that your content connects with local audiences more authentically.
  • Customization: Your dedicated project manager will work closely with you to identify the specific regions your brand is targeting, and will then curate a team of linguists who are experts in those regional variations.

By integrating these features, Taia guarantees that your content is not only translated but effectively localized to resonate with your target audience in different regions.

We’re all about speed and efficiency. Taia aims to get your project back to you as fast as possible, without compromising on quality. On average, simpler projects can be completed in as little as a few hours, while more complex tasks might take a couple of days. For example, Basic Translation for documents up to 2000 words is typically delivered within 24-48 hours while AI-only projects are delivered in a couple of minutes.

The turnaround time for translation projects at Taia is influenced by several key factors, allowing us to provide the most accurate and efficient service possible. These factors include:

  • Number of words in the project
  • Number of repetitions within the documents
  • Matches found in existing translation memories
  • Language pairs involved
  • Type of service selected (AI-only, Basic, etc.)
  • Specific project details, such as file format, complexity, and any special requirements

On average, straightforward projects can be completed in a matter of hours, while more complex tasks may take a couple of days. We provide an estimated delivery time at the start of each project, calculated based on these factors, to help you plan accordingly.

For those under tight deadlines, we offer the option to fast-track the project for an additional charge. Your dedicated project manager will be readily available to answer any questions about the timeline, ensuring you’re well-informed every step of the way.

By considering these variables, Taia aims to offer a transparent, rapid, and high-quality translation service tailored to your specific needs.

File and Format Support

Taia aims to make the translation process as seamless as possible by supporting an extensive range of file formats. You can upload over 70 types of files, ranging from commonly used formats like Word, Excel, and PDF to more specialized formats like JSON and XML. This diverse support ensures that you can easily translate anything from business documents and marketing materials to websites and software interfaces without worrying about compatibility issues.

Absolutely! Preserving the original formatting of your documents is a high priority for us at Taia. Our platform is designed to identify and maintain various elements such as layout, images, and tables across a wide range of file types, making your translated content immediately usable and saving you valuable time on post-translation formatting.

However, it’s important to note that the fidelity of the returned formatting can vary depending on the original file type. For instance, text files or Word documents are generally easier for Taia to handle and will most likely retain their original formatting seamlessly. On the other hand, PDFs and some image formats might present some challenges depending on how they were generated.

As a rule of thumb: any file that’s easy for you to edit is easy for Taia to handle. If you’re working with a PDF or a more complex file type, you might experience slight variations in the final output’s formatting.

By providing this level of detail, we aim for transparency so you can make informed decisions when submitting your projects for translation. Your dedicated project manager is always available to discuss any specific formatting requirements or concerns you may have, ensuring a smooth and efficient translation process.

Yes you can! When creating a new project in the Taia app, you can upload up to 100 files with up to a 100 MB in size. These files can be in any of the 72 file formats and you can even copy-paste text on the fly.