Translate your website now or be left behind

website translation

Your website is your most important sales weapon

Your website is a reflection of your company. Anyone who decides to work with you / for you, or purchase a product / service from you, will first go online and search for information about your company. Based on the information they find on the web, they’ll decide if they want to buy your product or collaborate with you in any other way.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of shopping was done online, but now online shopping has a new meaning. In these times, people appreciate the ability to shop online – right from the safety of their homes. Most experts agree this behavior will persist even after the pandemic.

translate your website and grow traffic on your page

But in this shrinking economy, it’s important that you open your business for new markets in order not to miss out on income. Don’t get left behind and plan ahead now, before your business is hit even worse by the situation on the market. If you have a product or service that you can sell internationally, do it now. Don’t know where to start?
Reach out here and we’ll schedule a first call to see how we can help.

Whether it’s E-Commerce, WooCommerce or any other kind of WordPress page, Taia offers translations of the highest quality in record time!

What are the benefits of having a multilingual website?

New business opportunities with a translated website

1. Increased level of confidentiality in your business

A website visitor becomes a customer faster because he trusts the products / services with a description in his native language. When content is offered in the customer’s native language, the customer gains a sense of better familiarity.

A quality translation or localization of your website further enhances the image of your business. Information provided in multiple languages enhances the credibility of your business, while making your business seem even more professional.

In 2011, the European Commission conducted a survey which found that 90% of Europeans prefer to visit a website that is offered in their language. 42% do not buy a product / service, if it is not offered to them in their mother tongue. A multilingual website definitely covers a larger market than if it is only offered in your native language and English.

2. Increase your revenue

This point is closely linked to the previous point, as they go hand in hand. A user who trusts your products / services will also sooner become a buyer than a user who has to translate the content for himself.

With more than 3 billion internet users worldwide, it’s unrealistic to think you’ll reach each and everyone of them. Yes, you’ll reach a much higher percent of that, if you translate / localize your website. But if you wanted to reach all internet users in the world, you would have to translate your website into more than 7000 languages.

Before you decide on the languages you want your website to be translated into, do a research on the markets to get the most out of it.

Revenue growth with a translated website
improved position in search engines

3. Improve your position in the Google search engine

Google is nowadays the go-to search engine when you need information on basically anything. So website owners are always fighting to get the highest possible position in Google. The higher your position, the more chances you have someone organically visiting your website.

When localizing a website, professionals take care of much more than what the visitor sees. Images, videos, keywords, meta descriptions, and more is localized. If all this is done as it should be, you can gain a higher position in the search engine, which means that users will find your website sooner.

4. Drive more traffic to your site

When your website translation / localization is done by professionals, you’ll soon be getting more traffic on your site.

Make sure you entrust your website translation to an agency that has all of the points above in mind while translating. The ultimate goal is those new visitors converting into costumers, which they will, if your website translation / localization is done by professionals.

more traffic on a translated website

Translate your website with Taia Translations!

With years of experience, Taia can quickly translate your website into any language from our offer, while maintaining the quality.

We specialize in translations and localizations of WordPress websites, where we can also provide optimization in the target language and advise on technical optimization for multilingual support.

Not sure if you would just translate or localize your website? To make the decision easier, you can read an article about the importance of localization here.

Frequently asked questions

Studies have shown that customers trust more companies that take the time to offer them products in their native language. So, for a successful global business, it’s important to invest in translation and position yourself as a credible and trustworthy company.

If you wish to do business on foreign markets, translating your website is a must. If you offer your customers your products in their language, you’re going to improve your brand’s credibility.

Website translation is a process of directly translating from one language to another and making your products accessible to foreign customers.

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