How to translate fast and easy, even if you aren’t a professional?

Translate faster with Catapult

I know exactly how you feel. The department that is in charge of translations in your company is swamped with work once again. Your in-house experts (if you have them, that is) simply cannot keep up with an avalanche of incoming projects, and you haven’t heard back from your language service provider you normally outsource to in a while. “How to find a way to translate fast and esay'”, you might ask yourself. 

busy team

It’s high time you rolled up your sleeves and got to work yourself. Your team is well-versed in the target language and knows the lingo as the back of their hand, yet doubts still pervade you. How do we approach this? Do we just start translating from scratch, fingers crossed? Do we use Google Translate and then edit its regurgitated leftovers, I mean it’s not that bad, right?

By now, your team is faced with a myriad of questions. The deadline is in two days, and you still haven’t got a clue on how to tackle this project. How do the pros do it? What tools do they use? If only there was an easier way out of this.

Where there is a problem (or should we rather call it a challenge?), there is a solution – especially if you’re looking for ways that will help you translate fast and easy.

Solution in a form of a translation tool

No matter how high the obstacle, mankind is wired in a way that it finds a solution sooner rather than later. Ever since technology took over the better part of our lives, these solutions are churned out ever faster offering more promise with every passing moment.

Anyway, you have a ton of stuff on your plate already AND then you have to translate some super important documents for, say, the new product your company is launching in new markets.

You got this translation task to carry out but have very little experience and even less time. It’s hard to tell which is worse, really. So, now what?

Well, this is where Catapult enters the fray. Why?

Firstly, because it’s a translation tool. But not just “any” translation tool. It’s a state-of-the-art tool that helps you translate fast and easy, without risking your translation’s quality. When we say faster, we mean up to 3-times faster than usual!

One might think that your “but it’s so time-consuming” challenge just got challenged.

Moving on.

translate fast and easy with Catapult

Translate a document as easy as a pro

Being inexperienced and not too keen on using new technologies can certainly be a great source of annoyance and frustration. Downloading and installing new software and learning its ins and outs is a daunting proposition for many. When you add translation into the equation things can only get worse.

Friends hanging out and being happy

We at Taia understand this and we devoted a great deal of attention to these issues when developing Catapult. How to make peoples’ lives easier? How to help them translate fast and easy?

Catapult really is an easy-to-use online tool that basically anyone can use. It’s a web application running in your browser that implements cloud technology (wow, so many new terms!) which makes the process very convenient. Don’t worry about “cloud” and “web” for now, all that matters is that it’s easy to use. So, there’s your second challenge done and dusted, right?

Feeling any better? More confident even?

Good. Let me share some more comforting news then!

Will your valuable documents be safe?

You may be feeling sceptical about sending your valuable documents to a cloud. Or perhaps you are experiencing some trust issues along the lines of “everything is just tech these days”. Fair enough.

Still, the way Catapult operates is virtually 100% safe. On the other hand, sending valuable information in your documents via email really isn’t.

There are multiple redundancy systems to make sure you can’t lose any of your files. Even if your hard drive fails, there’s the latest version of your file safely tucked away. If you ever want to remove all your files, however, we will wipe your translation memory and hand it all back to you.

secure translation process

OK, so you can now translate fast and easy, as well as safe. Still, there’s technology involved and you are kind of fed up with learning new tricks on a daily basis.

Business woman doing work on her computer

I can’t deal with more technology

You just want to get your work done and not get distracted too much, right? I hear you.

With that in mind, we at Taia really wanted to create a simple-to-use tool, one that won’t frustrate you. Nothing beats simplicity!

I’m not going to dive into details right now, although there really aren’t that many. All you need to know is that after you register at, you simply upload your document, translate fast and easy and then download it. 

The beauty of this is that your document’s format will stay intact throughout the process. Yay, right?

So, now you’ve done all that and you suddenly need to leave the office and your computer. That old feeling of “sh*t, I’ll miss another deadline” starts creeping in.

“I won’t be back for at least another 4 hours and translations need to be done sooner than that!”


Waiting for a meeting at some other place? Do you have a midday dentist appointment with extra 15 minutes to kill before you get back to the office? 

You can finish translation on your tablet or phone, all you need is a modern web browser which I believe you have.

Easy peasy, no?

Just how everything should be.

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