How to work from home and keep your business up and running during quarantine

How to successfully work from home
Importance of communication during quarantine

Are you concerned how to communicate with the team?

There is no need to worry because there are many programs and apps that enable seamless communication between users. These applications also enable video calls, conference video calls, and even recording of your screen. Even if you encounter a problem that you do not know how to solve, you can quickly resolve it with just a few clicks!

Work from home doesn’t have to mean riding solo. You can find some apps that enables you a smooth communication at the end of the article.

Stay up to date

Make regular appointments with your team – right through video conferencing! This can help you solve problems or clear up any ambiguities. Communication is now more important than ever. Keep your communication uninterrupted.

video conferences during quarantine

Have you heard of the scrum method and morning stand up?

The Scrum Method was designed for smaller groups (up to ten members) who set themselves goals and a timeline, in which they want to achieve this goal. During this time, they monitor the progress of the project.

Morning stand up lets your team know what you have in plan for the day. This enables you to keep track of your work progress, while your coworkers and managers are always up to date with your work.

You can read more about these methods at the following links:

allow flexible work hours during remote work

Enable flexible working hours

It is important that workers are given flexible working hours. Not only companies, but educational institutions also had to close their doors. During this time, the children are home and learning the same things, as if they were in school – but now their parents are the teachers. Everyone knows best when his or her child is learning the most effectively and when he / she can do his / her work, so enable flexible working hours.

Each team member should then choose his or her own work corner and arrange it. People are more productive in the company office because it is well-organized. An organized workspace will surely contribute to your productivity.

Here, at Taia Translations, we care about the health of our team, that why everybody’s working remotely. Following these tips has proven to be very effective for us, as business performance is running smoothly.

organize your home office

Applications that enable smooth communication and, consequently, successful home office operations:


Some of the already well-known communication application within the team is Slack. You can talk to individual people or create channels and invite users to whom it is relevant. The app also allows video calls, screen capture, and file sharing.

More information can be found on their website:


Rocket.Chat is an alternative to Slack and enables seamless communication within the team via a web browser or applications on your computer or smartphone. It provides the same features as Slack.

More information can be found on their website:

Google Hangouts Meet & Hangouts Chat

Hangouts Meet enables seamless video conferencess and is easy to use, and Hangouts Chat is great for written commincation that lets you and your team stay connected. 

More information can be found on their website: &


Evergreen Skype is a real savior in those days. It allows you to make one-to-one or group video calls, and you can also communicate in writing and even make contacts on their phone number. 

More information:


A great video conferencing platform for a bigger number of users. You invite the participants by entering their mail in the list or by giving them a link. You will also need a conversation password that Zoom generates for you. Because of this, Zoom is considered one of the safest applications.

More information:

We’ve listed only a few apps that make the communication withing your team easier. There are many applications, you just have to find one that suits everyone.

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